Tuesday, September 9, 2014

To Chase, on your 4th birthday.

My darling boy, I can't believe you're 4 years old already. It seems like just yesterday your dad and I were coming home from the hospital with a 7 pound 3 ounce tiny bundle of joy. Where has the time gone? You're growing up entirely too fast. I know, I know. I say that every year. And I'll continue to say it. It's my right as your momma.

Three was such a big year for you. Along with many other things, you became a big brother. And what a big brother you are! I'll be honest, your dad and I were worried at first how you would handle it. But you proved us both wrong, and have been an awesome big brother. So awesome in fact, that we have a hard time keeping you out of your sister's room. It's not unusual for you to grab your blanket and pillow, sneak into her room, and fall asleep beside her crib. And many times you sneak in at her nap time, and I find you reading your sister a book to help her fall asleep. You make silly faces and do crazy things just to make her laugh. Your sister worships your every step, and you always remember to include her in our activities (even if she's too little to play along just yet.)  You're my awesome helper when I need an extra set of hands, and you're always the first to run and grab your sister's favorite blanket if she's crying. Having your sister around is also a daily reminder of just how much you've grown this past year. 

 In the past year, you have become the most independent little guy I've ever met.You're favorite phrase is "I can do it mommy." Your language has developed to the point where we can have full conversations for hours at a time. And boy, the stories you tell! Elaborate scenes with sharks and the "big water", or a crime fighting superhero and heinous bad guy. You have an imagination that never ends. And I love listening to your latest tales.  And then we run to the playground and re-enact your favorite superhero battles. You love the swings the best, and have learned how to pump your legs and get the swing to go faster. And you love running around with all your friends at the playground. Right now, you're bravely attempting to conquer the monkey bars, but you're not *quite* there yet. Soon though, very soon.

You've also grown like crazy this year. You jumped 2 whole pants sizes just this summer alone, going from a 3T to a boys 5. I know it's silly, but back-to-school shopping in the boys section broke this momma's heart a little bit. You're no longer a baby. You're not even a toddler. You are a full blown kid, with all the craziness and fun that comes with it.  And every single day I'm impressed by you. I adore your imagination and your creativity. I love your never-ending energy and your excitement and wonder at this great big world. And I am in awe of your great big heart and how you love so openly and wholly. Happy Birthday, my sweet boy.

 Chase's Favorites:
  • Favorite Toys: Legos and Superheros 
  • Favorite Activity: Going to the pool
  •  Favorite Book: Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site
  • Favorite Food: Pizza
  •  Favorite Color: Red
  • Favorite Movie: Despicable Me and Ironman

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