Thursday, November 19, 2015

Video Blogging!

Video blogging is something that I've always been a bit intimidated by. I mean, I'm the photographer. That means I'm supposed to stay behind the camera. It's my happy place. But I'm also quite intrigued by the idea of video blogging. I love the idea of being able to give ya'll a "behind-the-scenes" look at what my photo sessions look like. And I think it would be a fantastic way to really connect with you fabulous mommas.

One of my favorite video bloggers is Ana Brandt, of The Art of Pregnancy and Newborn. Ana has really got this video blogging thing down to a science. Her behind the scenes videos are always so interesting, and I love how she is able to seamlessly integrate her video across all of her social media platforms. The full videos are hosted on Youtube, but she takes smaller snip-its of the video to share on her Instagram feed and Facebook page.  So you can see at least part of her video on all of her social media accounts, and head to Youtube if you really want to see it all. And her consistency! It's awesome. That is one of the key things I will need to work on for future video blogging. It's tough to come up with original content on a consistent basis, but Ana does it beautifully. But enought rambling from me. Here's peek at Ana's work...and EEK! Twins!

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