Friday, November 6, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Hi there! I'm Melinda. Welcome to my blog!

I wear many hats, and I love each one! I am a wife, a mother, and a small business owner. I am a sister, a friend, and a dog-lover. I am a dreamer and a creative soul. I am photographer, and I'd love to be your photographer.

I love being a photographer because it allows me to meet other awesome mommies like you. I've met moms who breast feed, baby-wear, and cloth diaper their little ones. And I've met moms who formula feed, use disposable diapers, and rock out a BOB stroller. I've met moms who co-sleep and moms who put baby in their crib from night one. I've met stay-at-home moms, working moms, and work-at-home moms. But no matter how different all of our mommy choices are, there is one continuous thread that ties us all together - OUR CHILDREN ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN OUR LIVES.

When it comes to our babies, our hearts are overflowing. And that is why I am honored each and every time one you amazing mommies trusts me with your baby. It is truly a gift to be able to photograph your darling babies, from their first few weeks through all of their milestones. It is a privilege I never take for granted. 

Aside from a photographer, here are a few tidbits about me:
  • I live for my children's laughter. Seriously, every little giggle is the greatest sound I've ever heard. I could listen to it all day long. 
  •  Sunday is for football and family. I'm a die-hard Steelers fan, and hubby is a Giants fan. It gets a little, um, rowdy around here when they play each other. If it's Sunday, I'm rocking out my football jersey, yelling at the TV, and hanging out with my little ones.

  •  I will cheer for the underdog every.single.time. Seriously, if someone ever tells you "you can't do it," just give me a call. I'll tell you how awesome you are, and be your biggest cheerleader. I believe to my very core that if you want something bad enough, then you can do it.  
  • I'm a complete sucker for rescue animals. All of my dogs have been from rescues, and my biggest wish is for every shelter animal to find a loving home. Check the blog often, and you'll be sure to see some of my volunteer work with our local shelter. If you're considering getting an animal, please please please consider adoption from your local shelter. And if you adopt an animal - let me know! I'll give you 30% off my session fee because you just became someone's hero. 

Okay, so there you have it. I'm a jersey wearing, dog loving, mommy photographer. Be sure to check back often for more insights into this crazy thing called my life. And if you still want to see more, you can visit me on Facebook or check me out on Instagram.  


  1. Beautiful family and photography!! I have 3 rescue fur babies and they are my life. Rescuing saves 2 lives and most people don't realize it.

  2. Gorgeous pictures! Can't wait to see more! And GO PACK GO!
